

内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校是一所公立大学, residential university committed to being one of the nation’s premier undergraduate institutions with excellent graduate education, 奖学金, 公共服务. 


内布拉斯加大学科尔尼分校 will achieve national distinction for a high quality, 多维学习环境, 参与社区和公众利益, and preparation of students to lead responsible and productive lives in a democratic, 多元文化的社会. 

Key to such improvement will be: clear focus on mission imperatives, 忠于历史核心价值, and continuous and rigorous self-appraisal or assessment of outcomes.  


  • 本科生4427人,最大的菠菜的平台1848人.
  • 学生 come to 体育菠菜大平台 from 92 of the 93 Nebraska counties, 47 states and 56 foreign countries.


  • 专任教师315人,兼职教师141人.
  • 83% of courses are taught by full-time faculty (not graduate assistants or adjuncts).
  • Nearly 75% of full-time faculty have the highest degrees in their fields.
  • 学生/教师比例:13:1.


  • 体育菠菜大平台开设121个本科专业, 21个专业预科课程, 54个最大的菠菜的平台项目, 11个证书.
  • 每年, the 体育菠菜大平台 荣誉项目 accepts more than 120 freshmen based on a minimum top 25% class rank, ACT成绩至少27分, 推荐信, 课外的成就, 和论文. 目前,有400名学生在荣誉项目.
  • 体育菠菜大平台’s undergraduate research program is a national model. Campus programs support students working one-on-one with professors to conduct original research and creative projects. More than 30% of 体育菠菜大平台 students do research outside of class and present their projects at academic conferences.
  • 体育菠菜大平台 is the only campus in Nebraska to participate in the National Student Exchange that allows students to attend one of 175 other universities or colleges across the continent for a semester or a year, 通常是体育菠菜大平台学费.
  • 100% of students participate in experiential learning projects that leads to resume-building expertise.


  • Many 体育菠菜大平台 programs have a job placement rate that's almost 100%, 包括会计, 体育训练, 教育 (particularly those with endorsements in Biology, 化学, 语言艺术, 数学, 音乐, 物理, 及特殊教育), 网络系统, 平面艺术, 工业技术, 学校心理学, 以及语言病理学.
  • 79% of Nebraska's PK-12 schools have 体育菠菜大平台 graduates teaching. Almost 43% of all school Superintendents and approximately 30% of all Principals in the state of Nebraska are 体育菠菜大平台 graduates. Approximately 36% of all School Psychologists and 54% of all ESU School Psychologists in the state of Nebraska are 体育菠菜大平台 graduates. 内布拉斯加州21%的学校辅导员都是体育菠菜大平台校友. Approximately 33% of all Speech-Language Pathologists in Nebraska are 体育菠菜大平台 graduates.
  • Many 体育菠菜大平台 graduates become administrative leaders in both the public and private sectors of the state and the nation. 还有一些人成功地申请了医学专业, 法律, and other professional and graduate schools across the country.


  • Member of NCAA Division II—Mid-America Intercollegiate Athletic Association.
  • 项目包括垒球, 足球, 排球, 摔跤, 女子游泳和跳水, 女子足球, 男子和女子越野赛, 男子和女子篮球, 男子和女子网球, 女子高尔夫球, 还有男子和女子田径.
  • 颜色:宝蓝色 & 旧金.
  • 昵称:Lopers(叉角羚)
  • 体育菠菜大平台运动员首先是学生. The average cumulative GPA from more than 440 student-athletes participating in 14 varsity sports is 3.32.


  • More than 180 student organizations, including six sororities and six fraternities.
  • 七个传统风格的宿舍, 一套公寓式宿舍, 两个希腊分会住宅建筑群, 还有一栋大学公寓大楼.
  • All residential units are within easy walking distance of the academic buildings, 图书馆, 学生会, 以及健康和体育中心.
  • Campus is comprised of 515 acres, including University Village. 体育菠菜大平台 has more than 48 buildings including classrooms, labs, residence halls, and athletic venues. The proximity of the campus offers easy access to the city's vibrant and growing community including: cultural events, 购物中心, 户外娱乐设施, 经济适用房, 屡获大奖的餐厅, 还有曲棍球, 音乐节目, 戏剧, 还有各种各样的音乐会, 许多都在校园步行距离内.
  • 体育菠菜大平台 has invested millions renovating or expanding every academic building and residence hall, 教育学院大楼, 内布拉斯加州学生会, 培养领域, 羚羊/鸟巢综合宿舍, which provide apartment style living and many new amenities for students. A new 健康 Center addition to the Health and Sports Center/Cushing Coliseum opened in fall 2014. The new Health 科学 Complex houses the UNMC College of Nursing and College of Allied Health Professions  that support numerous programs. 发现大厅, a 90,000平方英尺的建筑物, 2020年8月开业, 为STEM项目提供办公室和教室.
  • The 体育菠菜大平台 campus is also a Nebraska Statewide Arboretum site.


吉祥物羚羊路易鼓掌In 1910 the student body selected the antelope as the school mascot, 因为“它象征着力量, 敏捷和适应不利条件的能力.”

From the school student paper: the antelope is “the swiftest, most beautiful and most graceful animal in the Western plains. (The) Antelope appeals as a fitting emblem of a school located on the broad prairie of Nebraska, 羚羊曾经如此自由地漫游的地方.”

在50年代, The Kearney Hub began using a shortened version of antelopes (Lopers) to refer to the school’s athletic teams. The student paper quickly picked up “the Lopers” and the name stuck.

Loper legend is that the mascot is a North American Antelope, 然而,, 事实是, 北美没有羚羊. 的叉角羚, which looks much like an antelope and is commonly called an antelope, is most likely what the students in 1910 were referring to.

There are 91 species of antelope indigenous to regions in Africa and Eurasia.

Pronghorns were brought to scientific notice by the Lewis and Clark Expedition in South Dakota and their range extends from Canada through Minnesota and Texas to California, 到墨西哥北部.

路易·洛珀出现在体育菠菜大平台的早期, and he wears a blue 足球 jersey and blue shorts in the summer and fall, and white basketball jersey and white shorts in the winter and spring.